Check-in date is not valid.
Check-out date is not valid.

  • If you are going to be delayed for any reason in getting to the campgrounds for 2 pm check in time, please call ahead at 604-867-9089
  • If you must cancel your reservation, you must do so at least two weeks (14 days) prior to your expected date of arrival in order to receive a full refund.
  • NO REFUND will be given for inclement weather, evictions or deciding to vacate your site early. 
  • By booking you confirm acceptance of Tuckkwiowhum Campground Terms and Conditions.

Tuckkwiowhum Village and Campground is a cultural heritage site of the Nlaka’pamux people who have occupied these lands for thousands of years. We invite and welcome all people to enjoy the peace and beauty of our location and surroundings.

We ask of all our guests to treat our sacred grounds with care and respect.

Thank you.